Health Office
EXCITING NEWS! We are thrilled to announce that the health office now has a universal email! Please use the new email address listed below for all health office related communication.
Health Office Email:
Office Staff:
Teresa Lattuca, R.N. M.S. Ed, School Nurse Teacher
Phone; 585.267.1740
Fax: 585.218.1741
Attendance: Please call the Main Office at 267-1700 by 9:00 am on each day your child is absent. A written excuse is no longer required upon return.
Medications: According to NYS law, any medications administered at school, even over-the-counter medications(cough drops, Tylenol, motrin), require written permission from the physician and the parent or guardian. They must be in their original container, and must be brought to school by an adult to ensure safety. Inhalers need a pharmacy label on the inhaler itself, not just the box.
Allergies: Parents should notify the nurse if their child has any health concerns/issues, particularly if there is a food, bee-sting, latex, or other serious allergy. Appropriate measures will then be taken.
Fever/Vomiting or Diarrhea: Students must be kept home for a full 24 hours after they have recovered from any of the above. If students are sent home with a fever, they should not be in school the next day. Students should be able to tolerate a regular diet.
Contagious Diseases: Please report when a child has been diagnosed with strep, chicken pox or has head lice. Other families in that classroom will be notified, however the student's name is kept confidential.
Injuries: Please call the health office if your child will be coming to school with stitches, a cast, crutches, etc. A note from their physician describing the injury and the activities allowed is required. If your child is restricted from gym, they will be unable to attend outside recess. Our fax number is 218-1741 if needed.
Snacks: Classroom teachers and room parents will provide guidelines for snacks for school functions and classroom parties. If cider is served, it must be pasteurized. For all after-school activities, children should bring their own snack. Food should not be shared with other students due to allergies or religious, ethnic, or parental preference. See "Related Files" below for a list of healthy snack suggestions.
Physicals and Immunizations: Physical exams by your child's physician are required for all students in kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th grades. They are required for all students new to Pittsford Schools. Immunizations must be up to date within 14 days of starting school.