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Family Involvement, Clubs & Activities

Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)

The ILT's purpose is to formulate policies, study instructional matters, improve communications among staff members and with the school community, initiate committees as needed, review reports and make recommendations.  The ILT is responsible for developing and overseeing the building's Comprehensive Action Plan (annual building goals). The ILT meets each month before school.

The ILT (Instructional Leadership Team) includes the following representatives:

  • Building Principal
  • PDTA Representative
  • Grade Level Chairs
  • Special Area Teacher Representative
  • Special Services (Pupil Services Team) Representative
  • Representative to the Instructional Leadership Council (ILC)
  • Representative to the Elementary Academic Council (EAC)
  • Paraprofessional Representative
  • PTSA (Parent) Representatives

The Role of the PTSA Parent Representatives on ILT is to:

  • Provide a parent's perspective and input into the shared decision making process;
  • Serve as a liaison between the PTSA and the ILT (e.g., attending regular PTSA and ILT meetings); and
  • Provide a contact for individual parents to seek information and answers to questions about the curriculum, the instructional program, and issues affecting the school.

Adult Classroom Helpers:

Every year a number of individuals express an interest in assisting the classroom teacher during the school day by becoming Adult Classroom Helpers. Responsibilities are varied and may include working with small groups of students on curriculum related projects.

PTSA Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities exist both during and after school for everyone. The Pittsford PTSA has approximately 2,000 volunteers providing over 100,000 hours of volunteer time each year to the students of our district. Our volunteers are a vital part of our school community. Volunteers provide our children with opportunities for enriching experiences that only parent volunteers can provide. Individual volunteers have the opportunity to contribute in many ways such as becoming a room parent, working on fund-raising activities, or after-school clubs. To learn more about volunteer opportunities through our PTSA, please go to the following link:


PTSA Membership:

PTSA strongly encourages families to become members at the beginning of each school year. The small family membership fee helps to enhance the education of all children throughout the school district. Click on the following link to join our PTSA:

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled at certain times during the school year. However, parents are encouraged to communicate directly with their child’s teacher at any time.